Home九谷焼 動画 > 名工 福島武山(ふくしまぶざん) 赤絵鳳凰文 盃 九谷焼赤絵細描くたにやきあかえさいびょう

名工 福島武山(ふくしまぶざん) 赤絵鳳凰文 盃 九谷焼赤絵細描くたにやきあかえさいびょう


名工 福島武山 ふくしまぶざん 赤絵鳳凰文 盃 
今夜も一杯!Full tonight!

関連動画 福島武山「赤絵えどまつり」花瓶

福島 武山
1944年、石川県生まれ。1963年に石川県立工業高校デザイン科を卒業し、24歳で結婚して能美市佐野町に移住。絵付け職人であった義母の仕事を手伝った縁で赤絵細描の世界に入る。以来、独学で技術を学び50年間赤絵細描一筋に打ち込む。緻密で繊細な極細描写で表現される意匠は他の追随を許さない。1999年第23回全国伝統的工芸品公募展にて第一席グランプリ内閣総理大臣賞を受賞。2005年石川県指定無形文化財 九谷焼技術保存会会員に指定。2008年九谷焼伝統工芸士会会長就任。石川県立九谷焼技術研修所の講師も務める。仏エルメス社より時計文字盤の製作依頼を受けるなど、国際的にも活躍の場を広げる取り組みと実績が評価され受賞。
BUZAN Fukushima
Born in Ishikawa Prefecture in 1944. After graduating from Ishikawa Prefectural Technical High School Design Department in 1963, he married at the age of 24 and moved to Sanomachi, Nomi City. Entered the world of red painting with the help of her mother-in-law who was a painter. Since then, he has been self-taught and devoted himself to drawing red paintings for 50 years. The design expressed with delicate and delicate depiction is unrivaled. 1999 Received the First Grand Prix Prime Minister’s Award at the 23rd National Traditional Crafts Open Call Exhibition. In 2005, designated as a member of the Kutani Ware Technology Preservation Society, an intangible cultural property designated by Ishikawa Prefecture. In 2008, he became chairman of the Kutani Ware Traditional Crafts Association. He is also a lecturer at Ishikawa Prefectural Kutani Yaki Technical Training Institute. Received an award for his efforts and achievements to expand the field of activity internationally, such as receiving a request for the production of a watch dial from Hermes, France.




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